

· Provides most direct connection between largest cities and two universities

· Is one of the most dense corridors in Washtenaw county

· Contains affordable housing

· Contains the most available land for redevelopment

· Lacks character – strip commercial

· Auto centric – lacks transportation choices

· Large setbacks – excess parking

· Segregated land uses

· Limited sidewalks require more bus stops

What this corridor could be to our community

A report completed in 2009 begins to lay out the community vision for Washtenaw Avenue. Please use the tools on this website or contact us to let us know your vision.

A report completed in 2009 begins to lay out the community vision for Washtenaw Avenue. Please use the tools on this website or contact us to let us know your vision.

· Have high quality public transit

· Are walkable and bike friendly

· Retain and attract not only high paying jobs but talented people to fill the jobs

· Have access to educational, cultural and employment centers

· High quality of living

· Open spaces for recreation

· Mixed use development

· Affordable and work force housing