The Vision
What is ReImagine Washtenaw?
Washtenaw Avenue is a five-mile roadway connecting Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. ReImagine Washtenaw is a collaborative effort to improve the roadway and surrounding area to offer walkable shopping, employment and housing choices, attractive public spaces and efficient transit service.
ReImagine Washtenaw helps revitalize neighborhoods and foster economic growth by channeling development and providing multiple ways to travel.
Distinct places attract growth
By focusing growth around four key "nodes," Reimagine Washtenaw helps neighborhoods develop into compact, unique places that attract visitors and investment. High-skill industries are more likely to locate in relatively dense employment areas.
Travel choices boost property values
Properties that are walkable—those with multiple travel options, a mix of uses and higher density —command as much as a 74% price premium. 3 Eight new transit “super stops” that include shelters and real-time bus tracking, along with improved sidewalks and road crossings, will enhance property values and spur investment along the Washtenaw corridor.
Putting it all together: Transit-oriented development
By promoting compact, mixed-use nodes, and allowing people to travel safely by foot, bike or bus, ReImagine Washtenaw will benefit communities along the corridor. This “transit-oriented development” strategy is used by more than 100 projects nationwide.
Benefits of TOD: • Economic development • Freer flowing traffic • Increased land values and tax revenues • Reduced road expenses • Affordable housing opportunities
TOD combines transit, walkability and mixed-use development.
Transit-oriented development: Research-backed, real-world results
Revitalized neighborhoods, more jobs: Communities that invest in quality transit, walkable neighborhoods and mixed-use development experience economic gains.
Contact Us
Nathan Voght, AICP | ReImagine Washtenaw Project Manager
Washtenaw County - Office of Community & Economic Development
(734) 544-3055 |